Participating Artists
Todd and Karen Acker: La Selva Lavender
Alja Design: Sunlight Catchers WEBSITE
Jeri Anderson: Painting
Patti Baca: Beeswax Candles & Local Honey
Anastasiya Bachmanova: Painting WEBSITE
BAD Photography: Nature Photography
Anna Belom: Jewelry
Nicole Marie Brown: Mugs, hoodies, tshirts, totes
Mary Bielinski Mildbrandt Wyatt: Painting
Robert Cassar: Hair Sticks
Ruth Dailey: Zentangles WEBSITE
Peggy Dillon (Twins Kitchen): Homemade Jam
Bryan Garrison: Photography WEBSITE
Marilyn Gwynn: Jewelery WEBSITE
Nancy Haver: Jewelry
Ilana Holt: Digital Art
Laura Horn: Soap & Candles
Shandra Hunt: Jewelry, Bath & Body WEBSITE
Patrick Jagger: Photography WEBSITE
Nancy Lynn Jarvis: Mystery Books WEBSITE
Elaine Kennedy: Jewelry
Wendy Laird: Acrylic Painting
Marie Massey: Painter WEBSITE
Susan Moranda: Bath and Body
Merlyn Moreno: Acrylic Landscape Painting
Maureen Motteler: Mosaic Jewelry WEBSITE
ND Candle Works: Nicole Lutz; Danna Meek
Ron Oburn: License Plate Art
Karen Oeh: Bone Art WEBSITE
Maureen Perkinson: Decorative Bags
Jose Quevedo: Photography WEBSITE
Amelia Racca: Photography WEBSITE
Mary Rhodes: Crochet WEBSITE
Heather Richman: Lampwork/Glass/Plants WEBSITE
Linda Schauble: Ceramics WEBSITE
Michael Singer: Woodwork & Photography WEBSITE
Patrick Skelly: Painting
Jen Slinger: Ceramics and Textiles WEBSITE
Paulette Souza: Jewelry
Dana Spanierman: Jewelry WEBSITE
Petcharee Tamawong: Photography WEBSITE
Sandra Tanaguchi: Goochee Dolls WEBSITE
Jay Topping: Vintage Signs
Sylvia Valentine: Mixed Media WEBSITE
Erik Waage: Silk Screening WEBSITE
Chelsea Wagner: Woodworking WEBSITE
Whimzzie : Jewelry WEBSITE
Sally Wood: Jewelry